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Alex Mathew

1971 - 2025

Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.

Condolences (44)

Thomas George

Dear Pastor John Mathew, Gracy Aunty, and the entire family,

I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Mr. Alex Mathew. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this incredibly difficult time. Although I did not have the opportunity to meet Mr. Alex Mathew personally, I remember his generous donation toward the purchase of land for our church. I have also heard about his active dedication and involvement in the church; his presence will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him.

Pastor John Mathew and Gracy Aunty, you have both been tremendous support to me in my ministry, and I want to extend my deepest sympathy to you during this time of sorrow. May God's peace and comfort surround your family, and may His strength be with you as you navigate this loss.

With heartfelt condolences,

Pr. Dr. Thomas George


Ravigopal C

Alex was blessed with a smile and a pleasing personality that endeared him to everyone who came in contact with him. With Alex, it did not matter how long you knew him or how often you met or spoke - his personality and warmth made you comfortable enough to engage as if you knew him forever. He was the cool dude who made you feel like everything was under control.

Thanks for all the great memories, Alex, we will keep you alive through all the good memories.

My deepest condolences to Annie, Hope, Gabriel, and Jose.


John Mathew

Reji (Alex) my beloved son

I can not believe you left us because I see you everywhere

I expected you would bide us farewell but your Mummy and I live and you left us. We feel orphaned. You loved people and helped the people you

met and they loved you from the depth of their hearts. The funeral procession showed how many people loved you They followed your body with tearful eyes

We are proud of you

and honoured as your parents

I am sure we will

See you one day with our Lord. Till then audieu



Sajeev John

I met Alex brother in Pr John Mathew uncles house( Pr John Mathew is my teacher and spiritual father) on that day we went to a orphanage with him and he preached there and I was able to translate for him. He was so humble and always smiling. A good friend and brother. It was very difficult to accept what happend but we have no authority to question God. We share our deep condolences and our eternal hope with Sister Annie and Chikdren. We are with you in prayer. Gracey aunty always talks about Brother Alex whenever we visit them. May God comforts you all with prayers

Pr Sajeev and family Banglore


Annie Daniel

So grateful for my cousin’s life. He was good example to us all of putting God, faith, and family first. Thank u cousin for showing me Gods way on this earth. I’ll always be grateful for u, may Jesus continue to strengthen Annie, Gabe and Hope. Let us strive to do good until the Lords return or our return to the Lord.


Freddie George

Peace and Love

Annie, Gabe, and Hope,

There are no words that can measure the weight of this physical loss, no language strong enough to hold the depth of sorrow we feel for Alex’s passing into eternal glory which is the presence of his creator.

His presence was steady, his love unwavering, his heart wide enough to hold so many. He was not just a husband, a father, a brother, a protector or a friend he was a light, a shelter, a source of joy in the lives of those who knew him. His sudden absence leaves an emptiness that nothing on this earth can fill.

But there is something deeper than his physical absence. There is a presence an eternal reality that knows no time, no limitation. It is not given as the world gives, fleeting and conditional, but as something woven into the very fabric of existence, dwelling within those who are willing to receive it. It is not earned, nor is it fragile; it is a gift, steady and unshaken, because it is rooted in the very character of God Himself.

This peace is not the absence of struggle but the presence of something greater within it. It moves beyond circumstances, beyond the turbulence of the mind, and settles deep into the spirit. It is not simply felt, it is known. It is the assurance of being held by invisible hands of the Holy Spirot, even when everything else shifts. It is the presence that was, is, and will be.

Jesus did not just teach peace; He embodied it. He walked in it, carried it, and extended it. And when He departed, He did not take it with Him but placed it within those who would receive it. His Spirit now breathes within, a quiet but unwavering certainty that we are never alone. It is not just a comforter, it is a transforming power that speaks to each of us. It is also this belief that allows us to see that Alex’s life was reshaped, his heart and soul recalibrated to rest in something beyond human reasoning.

Alex lived as a reflection of that presence. He carried a love that was steady because it was not just his own, it was the love of the Eternal moving through him. That love does not end. It does not vanish with time. It remains, woven into the lives he touched, the family he cherished, the community he strengthened.

Annie, you were his heart, his anchor, his joy. Gabe and Hope, you were his greatest pride, his deepest love. And though his earthly presence is now beyond reach, the mark he left on your lives is indelible. The peace he carried, the faith he lived, the love he gave these things are not lost. They are seeds planted deep, and they will grow. They will carry you. They will remind you that you are not alone, that the same Spirit who sustained Alex now sustains you.

This peace does not remove pain but redeems it. It does not erase the unknown but fills it with presence. It is the whisper in the storm, the stillness in the chaos, the anchor that does not fail. It is the nearness of the Eternal, the hand of the Ancient reaching through time to steady the child He loves. And once it is truly known, it cannot be undone. It remains, because He remains.

Grief will come in waves. The ache will rise without warning. But even there, in the hardest moments, peace is waiting. It does not deny the sorrow, but it holds it. The Holy Spirit does not take away the loss, but He fills the empty places with Himself. He is the presence that does not fade, the comfort that does not waver, the peace that is as sure as the love Alex carried.

May you find rest in this truth. May you be held by the same love that holds Alex now. And may the peace that knows no time, no boundaries, no end—be yours for all the days to come.

With love, with sorrow, and with hope that cannot be shaken. He will forever be my dear buddy.


Leslie Verghese

Dear Annie, Gabe and Hope - We may not have shared moments with Alex and you all that closely. However, Alex was a cherished friend from a distance for a long time for us. There was never a meeting/gathering in the community that Alex and I attended together where a shake hand or a smile was not exchanged. We respected each other and I always admired you as a family where you held the warmth of the relationship alive day in and day out. After our children Josh and Krissy started attending Metro, I had the opportunity to hear more about Alex from them. It’s been a shock since the day we heard the news of his passing but we know it was the will of God. We don’t question that. God gave you a gem of a man to cherish and thousands join you with the same thoughts. May his legacy live on.

Dr. David Lo, from rehab also sends his thoughts to you. Ever since he came to know, he’s been enquiring about Annie as we work together in the BSW Rehab in Irving.

May the Lord continue to grant you peace and may you exemplify his character everyday and through that may Alex live in the hearts of thousands.


Andrew Taylor

Dear Annie, before saying a few words, this was the message I received from your Alex when we first reconnected about 15 years ago online 👇

"Wow, what a small world..never thought I would ever get in touch with you again..thanks to FB! It's been about 19 years that I have been in CA and just the past 6 mths back, we moved to TX to be closer to family. I am not sure if you would remember me after all these years since I was a small kid... I couldn't forget you since I accepted Christ in your class. I still remember every Sunday morning we arranging the chairs around for the sunday school ! Of course, won't forget you and your bike! I used to live with Vini as my parents were in Saudi. I then moved to Bishop Cottons Boarding school. Vini had told me that you were in AZ and I thought that I might run into there sometime since I used to fly into PHX on business and drive down to Prescott. Yes that's my family, Annie & I have been married for about 10 years, Gabriel is going to be 3 next month and we have a baby girl on the way, around mid-Aug. If you're ever down in TX, please do let me know would love to see you. I think you probably might remember me as Regi and not Alex as that's what family used to call me. I had an older brother Shaji (Jose)

God Bless


Back to me now, Andrew N Taylor...

Your Alex was a gem. We cannot understand the ways of our Lord. In our subsequent conversations, and his posts Online, it was evident to all, that both Alex and you led Gabe and Hope into a loving relationship with Jesus at Metro Church. In fact I hardly recall seeing much at all about his work. It all centered around his family and your lives - lifting up Christ at Metro Church.

I am deeply honored 🙇 that he credits me with having led him to Jesus at a tender age. We KNOW beyond a shadow of doubt that Alex is with his Master and Lord.

No words at present can help assuage the pain of such a devastating and sudden earthly loss, so I refrain from sharing anything. But, I paused now, to PRAY for the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ to come over you, Gabe, and Hope 🙏

If you feel you need to, please do reach out to me. Regardless of where I may be ministering around the world, I shall make time for the three of you.

Much love in Jesus, our most precious and holy Savior, Lord, and God...

Andrew N Taylor


Yadhav Krishnan

Met Alex in Cottons, he was a few years junior to me, the skinny kid with a sheepish smile. But he grew up into a key player on the basketball team, and a very popular guy in school. Fast forward 25 years we reconnected in Dallas, he tracked me down, and rekindled the connection like he did with so many of us. He was instrumental in gathering the OCs of Dallas and our get togethers. But most importantly I was not surprised to learn he was man of God and a wonderful husband and father, a church leader and servant, and how he lived his life sharing authentic love and caring for everyone he crossed paths with. Alex you lead an extraordinary life impacting so many lives positively! I hope to see you on the other side my friend, know you are resting in His presence.

Anne, Gabe and Hope, Alex’s parents and brother my deepest condolences and pray for His strength and comfort.





He was the kind of person who made everyone feel valued, seen, and heard.

Alex Mathew (Sept 11, 1971 – 2025) was a devoted husband, father, son, brother, and friend. Born in Adoor, Kerala, he moved to Bangalore in 1982 for schooling at Bishop Cottons Boys School and later to California in 1990, earning a business degree from Vanguard University and an MBA from National University.In 1999, he married Annie in Oklahoma, and together they built a loving home. In 2006, they welcomed Gabriel, and in 2009, Hope, whom he adored. A faithful servant of God, Alex was the Administrator/Finance leader at Metro Church of God, instrumental in its growth.A mentor and coach, he poured into the younger generation, coaching Gabe and Hope’s basketball teams and guiding many. Known for his selflessness, leadership, and passion for bringing people together, he was the glue of every community he touched.He is survived by his wife, Annie, children Gabe & Hope, parents John & Grace Mathew, brother Jose (Shaji) Mathew, and extended family in Dallas, Oklahoma, and India.Alex lived a life of faith, love, and service. Though he is no longer with us, his legacy will live on in our hearts forever.​ Rest in Peace Alex until we are all reunited with Jesus and our loved ones.


Service Details

A Celebration Of Life

February 15th Sat | 9:30 AM

Metro Church

13930 Distribution Way,

Farmers Branch, Tx 75234

Interment Service

February 22nd Sat | 10:00 AM

Ridgeview West Memorial Park

7800 Sanctuary Dr, Frisco Tx 75033

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